Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Keeping Me Entertained: the All Souls Trilogy

Since I have become pregnant, I spend a lot of my time cuddled in a blanket in my big comfy chair. Therefore, I thought I would share with you all some of the things that have been keeping me entertained.

Normally, people might snub their noses at supernatural fiction books, especially those of the vampire variety. This book makes Twilight look like a book for kindergarteners. Once I really got into the first of the All Souls trilogy by Deborah Harkness, I realized it was possible to have an incredibly intelligent supernatural novel. This book is about an Oxford scholar who is also a witch who's family can be traced back to Salem. The amount of scholarly knowledge that had to go into this book is astounding. It shows a great understanding of many famous manuscripts from extremely well-known historical figures, such as Elias Ashmole, famous scientist of alchemy. The majority of the novel's events take place in the Bodleian Library of Oxford University and the All Souls College. I know absolutely NOTHING about alchemy, however, this book offered an excellent crash course in the subject, seeing as how the main character is a professor of the history of science. The details of the story are so captivating, you almost forget the main character is a witch, or that her boyfriend is a vampire. It's more historical than supernatural at times.

I absolutely love this series and am constantly astounded by the historical figures, events, and books brought in by Harkness. Many of you who may hate supernatural novels will be happily surprised by this series. Hopefully this book has gotten me in the proper mindset for my British Literature class that I will start in a few days. Sadly, I have merely borrowed these books from the library, so they won't be in my personal collection.

a wonderful, wonderful book.
A link to the author's website: http://www.deborahharkness.com/all-souls-trilogy/

Friday, August 10, 2012

Late Night Talks with baby William

(First of all, isn't it much easier now that the Little Latta has a name?)

I love the fact that our little one has ears now. Sure, the sounds he hears are probably equal to what you hear underwater, but that isn't the point. Sometimes he even reacts to the sound of our voice, especially Daniel's (not even born and already listening to Dad more than Mama). Therefore, each night I have a small conversation with my ever-burgeoning stomach. I normally do it when I am alone, since I already weird Daniel and my family out with my pregnancy behavior enough, and it's always before bed. These conversations go something like this:

Me: Hello tiny baby. Are you going to be good and let me sleep tonight? Without kicking me in the bladder and/or kidneys?
LL: *silence*
Me: Okay...well, am I going to have leg cramps tonight? I would like to know ahead of time if you intend on partying it up in there.
LL: *silence*
Me: Sleep good, little baby. *tummy rub*
LL: *flutter*

I would like to think that the baby understands me, since he is going to be a little genius naturally. So what if right now the only thing he knows how to do is open his mouth and tug on the umbilical cord? (I only know that because of What To Expect When You're Expecting) Even Daniel gets in on the action, except his conversations involve less requests and more baby talk. Talking to him makes me feel good, since I know in about a year he's gonna be talking my ears off.

He is part me, after all. 

Tuesday, August 7, 2012

That's William Emerson to you.

It has been a while since I have posted something for the Little Latta. I have been so, so busy at work. Working at a shoe store during the back-to-school craziness is just one definition of terror. I can only imagine what it's going to be like when I have to buy shoes for the little one.

Just yesterday, we had the pleasure of finding out what our little one is! I saw, before anyone else in my family who attended, that it was in fact a boy! Now Daniel has something to lord over me: that he was right about the little one the entire time.

I cannot wait to buy lots of little plaid shirts and Converses, or little monster outfits! Being mommy to a little boy is something I didn't think I would have to do for a long time, but I guess someone decided I was ready for it now. I can't wait to hold his wriggly little body and play with his baby toes (which, according to the ultrasound are exactly like mine). This baby is going to be loved by lots of people. If I had a dollar for every person who says they are going to buy him stuff, or be his god-family...well, you know, I'd have a lot of dollars.

More to come from the Little Latta!

Baby's First Profile Picture. Look at the cute little nose :)

The evidence that he is in fact my child...a long second toe. haha.