Friday, November 2, 2012

No Shave November...the pregnant girl edition.

Until baby William gets here, I've decided to use this blog to tell you guys that I don't see/talk to/try to avoid (haha..kidding..) what I'm thinking as I grow a person. Today's topic: No Shave November.

Here in the Thomas/Latta household, EVERY DAY IS NO SHAVE NOVEMBER. well, for Daniel at least it is. He's had quite the furry face since...well, as long as I have known him, really. I personally enjoy the beard. Without it, he kind of resembles a 12 year-old. (Before you think I'm being mean, he knows this. Hence the beard.)

I like No Shave November. It's an opportunity for all the guys in your life to complain either that they can't grow a beard or that they can't grow one that looks as good as "that guy". You always end up with some guys who look like lumberjacks, some guys who look like they just decided to hit puberty, and then some guys who can only grow things like neck beards (you know who you are).

So I have decided that as a girl who can longer really see her legs, much less reach them, that I am going to participate as well. THAT'S RIGHT. I reserve my right to be fuzzy as well! Also, it's cold out, so who is going to see my legs anyways? Do you really want me to attempt to shave? Because it sort of resembles a Weeble, except I actually will fall down. That, combined with water and soap is just asking for disaster. (Now I'm going to have to pray to the pregnancy gods that I don't fall over anytime soon.) All you other girls feel free to join me as well, so I don't feel like such a weirdo :)

And for you boys who can't grow could always learn to crochet something like this:

courtesy of Etsy

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