Friday, February 22, 2013

Dear William: Week 9

Hello my little guy.

I am amazed at how big you are getting. You have completely grow out of almost all your newborn clothes and finally can wear your tiny pants that I have been wanting you to wear! Embarrassing, I know, but you'll thank me when your legs aren't freezing.

You had a little bit of surgery last week, also known as a circumcision. I will spare you and everyone the gory details, but I think your dad is traumatized. You handled it like a big boy and I gave you a mental high five when you peed on the clueless intern who gave you the numbing medicine. Obviously she didn't know what good aim you have.

You have officially started smiling, especially when I walk into the room, your daddy tickles you, or you see your favorite toy elephant. (I hate to disappoint you, but elephants do not have rattles on their feet in real life. Unless they are in the circus. Which we will discuss later.) Your smile is kind of like Bigfoot: only a few people have seen it and we can never get it legitimately on tape. You also have a brand new baby gym which you love, partially because you can finally see all the pretty colors. It's ocean themed, so I hope this means you become something awesome, like a marine biologist...or a shark wrangler.

We love you and your little personality. I cannot wait to see what is next, my little genius.



Monday, February 11, 2013

Dear William: Weeks 7+8

Dear William,

Alright, your mama has been slacking. Between school, work, and giving you all the love in the world, it's hard to remember to write something for you! Thankfully you are currently sleeping bundled on the couch like a champ (don't worry. Your daddy is sitting beside you to be sure you don't roll away), which gives me some time.

Week 7. I die every time you make this face.

You have quite the personality. You love to "talk", making little baby sounds that cause my heart to explode. And your eyes are TO DIE FOR. You have a special way of finding me as soon as I walk into the room and I know that we are thinking the same thing: love. Holding your head up is your newest accomplishment. Sometimes, however, you look like you are dancing with your erratic head bobs and it cracks me up. You will be quite the little comedian one day. This evening you decided to head butt me in the tooth, which because you are so darn cute I quickly forgave you.

Week 8. Taken before an ever-exciting trip to Walmart.

I just want you to know that you are incredibly loved by pretty much everyone. It's not just your dad and I, or your grandparents. You have a great-grandma who loves you very much and three uncles who think you are the coolest. Not to mention all the honorary aunts and uncles you have throughout the state. I can't wait until you get to meet them and actually remember their faces. Hopefully they'll be in your life for a long while.

