Sunday, December 2, 2012

We are ready for you, baby! (Seriously.)

It has been too, too long since my last post!

36 week, three days, and nothing has really happened. Maternity pictures have been taken. We've stocked up on the supply of baby gear and the hospital bags are packed. The nursery is complete and everything is clean! I've even made sure that I am ahead in my assignments at school, in case D-Day comes before the end of the semester.

Now all we need is the baby.

I keep thinking that any minute now, I'm going to feel something, ANYTHING, that signals labor is imminent. I go to bed thinking I'll be woken up in the middle of the night in a puddle of amniotic fluid or having contractions every 8-10 minutes. Yet nothing happens. I'm just now getting to the time period where it's safe for baby William to arrive, but I am so impatient. Like, "I want to cry, kill my husband, and fake labor" impatient. Everyone asks how I am and I just give them the evil eye. The hormones are in full swing, you guys.

36 weeks, taken by my lovely friend, Sara Dixon :)

I really know that I should be enjoying this time, because after the baby gets here nothing will be the same, but I am READY. R-E-A-D-Y. I hate just sitting here and waiting! Urgh. I might just start kicking my legs like a toddler. I mean, if hissy fits work for them, why can't they work for me!? Sorry for seeming like such a baby, but we are ready for Mr. William to arrive.

On the other hand, I want William to be as healthy and grown as possible, so if he wants to stay and get a little cuter, then he is more than welcome. I will try and keep my complaints down while he tries to nap in there...

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